Photo Album

Dream Sequences


Interactive Radio

For each page in the photo album, there are several dream sequences associated with it. Each one of these dream sequences has a mood assigned to it. The tuning knob of the radio cycles through these different moods and influences the dream sequence shown for a specific life event set by the photo album and the ambient sound.

The volume knob influences the ambient sound of the space. There are 9 different sound files associated with each page of the photo album. Each sound file has a different mood associated with it and turning this knob cycles through these different sound files.

For example, if a visitor at the photo album station is on Page Eight (below left), the person at the radio station (below right) can change between the different dream sequences associated with the central character's feelings of peace regarding the end of her life, thus subtlety influencing the mood of the space.

Photo Album: Page 8


Radio: Sets mood

Here is a preview of some of the aural media created for DreamLife 06.01 for Page 8 (Peace).