
Internal Environment

External Environment

Floor Plan

Installation Design

We are creating two sub-environments within the main space. The user interactions in one environment will affect the experience of other users in the other environment.

Rules that govern the user interaction: The results of the interaction must have a meaning or a correlation with the action that is being performed. For example: movement on the bed may cause a change on the movie pace - the movie will play faster. The number of people interacting at the same time will be a parameter to explore (one user will produce a result that is different from two or three users). Results from the user interaction: the properties of the movie that is projected onto the bed, and/or sound environment created by the speakers, will change. Different properties will be considered: pace, rhythm, volume, colors and overlays. (top)

Internal Environment

User interaction: the users trigger events by interacting with the bed. Different interactions will be considered. For example: lying still or rolling from side to side. The effect of these user interactions with the bed will be projected simultaneously onto the bed's canopy and into the external environment. (top)

External Environment

User interaction: the user triggers events by interacting with different objects located at the media stations. The sound object will set the mood of the dream. The visual object will set the phase and event trigger. By interacting with these objects, the EUs determine the dreams the IU experiences. The media will combine to create either pleasant dreams or nightmares depending upon the choices the EUs make. The EU has priority over the IU. The IU can change the properties of his dreams by interacting with the bed. The curtain separates the two environments, reinforcing the division between internal and external environment. (top)

Installation Floor Plan


Canopy bed with sensor matrix:
Our central character's dreams are projected onto the surface of the canopy bed. Visitors can influence the pace, volume, looping and other parameters through their movements on the bed.


Curtain: Illustrates main character's internal and external life. Reinforces the interconnection between external events/triggers and the dreams they create.


Screen (external): Dream sequences projected into the external space for guests to view.


Visual Object: Photo Album
Interaction with the photo album triggers dream sequences which are projected upon the bed and into the external environment. Each page is associated with a specific life event and turning the page of the photo album allows visitors to move through our central character's life via her dreams.


Sound Object: Radio.
The radio sets the mood. Interaction with the radio affects the projected dreams by allowing visitors to cycle between dreams within a specific life event. For example, our central character may have several dreams associated with her mother and turning the radio dial moves between these different dreams, influencing the mood of the space.


Equipment room: includes computers for installation. (top)